Dr. Dror

Foo is not just a "Bar"


  • Fri 17 June 2022
  • ML

Getting to know MLEM

This post is based on the README here where newer versions might be available. MLEM promises that you: Use the same human-readable format for any ML framework This is a bold promise and in this repo I will explore it a little (and maybe some other features as well). Note …

Custom Enums and tests

Somehow advanced usage of python's enums. Including a discussion on testing of those custom entities.

  • Tue 04 September 2018
  • HowTo

An attempt on smarter logging

Motivation Consider the case where you implement some logic somewhere, and this logic should be used from within several different places. Think of a logic and two apps using it. The logic should be yielding logging messages that would be visible as part of the running of the different apps …

Hedge Yourself From a Risky Data Science Job

I recently came across a wonderful post by Talia Borodin titled "Think Your Company Needs a Data Scientist? You're Probably Wrong". If you didn't ready it yet, make sure you do it! It contains a wonderful collection of truths that every individual who has anything to do with data science …